This week Adoriasoft Product Managers (or Product Owners, as we call them in Scrum) have landed a beautiful city of Munich with the purpose to participate in the Global Scrum Gathering 2016 organized by Scrum Alliance. Today is the closing day of the conference, but we already have early feedback from Alex, our dearest Product Manager, certified PO:
“Great conference! So many Scrum and Agile trainers from every corner of the Earth have gathered here. During the Open Space sessions, we share experiences and many interesting ideas. We learn we grow. In the course of the conference, it’s easy to see which things you did the wrong way and what should be improved. All in all, I’ve deduced a few good advice for myself as an SG attendee. ”

The Team Journey tribe! Alex, @vanesa_tejada Daniel kociok @dvanlunter Tine Klancar at #sgmun2016
We’re looking forward to visiting new Global Scrum Gathering events, as cool as the Global Scrum Gathering 2016 Munich (#sgmun2016) was. Highly recommended!
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